Dunham Daycare

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March 2025

Dunham Daycare

Dunham school is happy to offer after school supervision to our Dunham students as well as a variety of art, enrichment and outdoor activities.

Hours Are Monday-Friday 11:45-6:00 PM

We follow the school schedule and are closed on all school holidays and teacher work days.  In order for your child to attend you need to register your child register by filling out the registration packet and return it to the school office.  The packet needs to be completed at least the day prior to your child attending Daycare.


Click Here to Download:  Hardcopy Registration Packet

Hourly Rate, Fees and Extra Charges

Annual Registration Fee

  • $30 per child (payable at the time of registration)

Hourly Rate

  • $7.00 per hour

Late Child Pick up Fee

  • $5 per minute, starting at 4:01 PM

Drop-in Care (unregistered students)

  • $10.00 per hour

Payment Policies

  • Please make your check payable to Dunham School District and reference your child’s first and last name on the memo line.
  • There will be a $25.00 service charge on returned checks and the check will need to be replaced with cash or money order.
  • We must be in receipt of your monthly contracted fees and/or drop in fee BEFORE we can provide Daycare service.
  • Fees not paid by the 10th of the month following service will be charged a $25 late fee AND will not be able to attend Daycare until the Daycare fees are paid. Any fees not paid within 30 days are considered delinquent and will be sent to collections.
  • Payment can be turned into Daycare or into the office. We highly encourage automated payments in our online portal. 
  • Any questions regarding billing/payment please call (707) 792-5314. Email is the best way to reach our daycare director cbrattin@dunhamsd.k12.ca.us

Student Behavior

Students are expected to demonstrate the same high level of respect and cooperation that is expected during the school day at Dunham.  If your student is not meeting the behavioral expectations, the same consequences will be implemented.

  1. Conference with the students
  2. Note home to parents
  3. Phone call to parents
  4. Immediate pick up by parent
  5. Exclusion from the aftercare for a period of time

“Play is the work of children”   Maria Montessori