May 22, 2020 Friday Folder

Congratulation to the 150th Dunham Elementary School 6th Grade Promoting Class!!!


Dunham News


Hello Dunham Families,

I hope you are all healthy and able to make some fond memories this Memorial Day weekend.  We are one week away from wrapping up this odd school year.  I know there are several Zoom class “final get-togethers” scheduled for this week.  Our staff would much rather be doing all of this in person but I’m glad that technology allows for us to still do it remotely.  

On Friday, May 22, Mrs. Wilde, Mrs. Schmidt, Mrs. Mohrman, Ms. Brattin, Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. Kidder and Ms. Guthrie made the rounds to our promoting 6th graders’ homes.  They delivered smiles, balloons, lawn signs and shirts.  The caravan parade included horns, whistles, poster board signs, and decorated cars.  It was a heartwarming act and a great way to make our 6th graders feel special.  Thank you to all who made this possible.

Over the next week you will be getting two different surveys to fill out.  I know everyone is busy, but if you could spare a little time to fill them out it would be greatly appreciated.  The feedback provided by these surveys helps us with our planning and programs moving forward.

Thank you for all the wonderful “Pet Day” pictures for our last spirit day of this school year.  It was great to see so many of our kids.  There was quite a wide variety of pets as well.

This school year Laura Houser took on the mighty task of creating the Dunham School yearbook.  This is not easy and can be very time consuming.  I don’t know if you have had a chance to look at this year’s yearbook, if not please do because it looks fantastic.  Thank you Laura for your time, effort and energy!

Last week’s Friday Folder had a lot of important  information worth repeating, so I have included it in this week’s Friday Folder as well.  Please see below.

Take care,

Daniel Hoffman

Superintendent / Principal


Last week’s Friday Folder:

Next week on Monday, 25, there will be no school / distance learning in observance of Memorial Day.  

Please join us on May 26 at 5:00 via Zoom for a school budget presentation.  This is a great opportunity to learn a little more on how Dunham is funded and what our current budget looks like.  The presentation can be viewed by using the following link:

Meeting ID: 943 2199 9259

Password: f2VnwD

May 28 is the official last day of the school year.  We will be having our final pick up and drop off day.  Items from students desk, work, projects, awards and reports cards will be available for pick up.  Please return all Chromebooks (w/ cords), outstanding work / assignments, textbooks, library books, classroom library books, sports jerseys, or any other items belonging to the school.

Like last time, it will be a “grab-and-go” approach.  Staff will be wearing masks and we ask that you please wear a mask / facecovering for the short exchange period while the car window is down.  We ask that you pull into the Dunham parking lot and stay to the left as if you were heading towards parent drop off and pick up. Please pull up to the double doors outside of the Community Room.

To prevent overcrowding please follow this pick up / drop off  schedule:

8:00-10:00 Last names starting with the letters A-H

10:00-12:00 Last names starting with the letters I-R

12:30-2:30 Last names starting with the letters S-Z

Copperfield’s is doing an online community book fair and we are eligible to receive 10% of the purchase price of each sale from 5/20 – 6/30!  Please see the accompanying flyers for more information.



Copperfield’s Parent Letter

Copperfield’s Community Book Fair FAQ Sheet

Move Over Mozart Summer Program

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March 2025

Positive Impact

Here is always singing new songs and expressing new ideas he learned at school.

Alexa fon Tobel


Dunham Elementary School

Alexa fon Tobel


Positive Impact Here is always singing new songs and expressing new ideas he learned at school. Alexa fon Tobel CEO Dunham Elementary School 5 2017-03-13T11:54:16-07:00 
Dunham Elementary School
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