Friday Folder – October 8, 2021


October 8, 2021

Hello Dunham Families,

I hope you are all doing well.  I’m pleased to share that we started garden classes this week.  Our garden teacher is Mrs. Rachel Mutschler and she is off to a great start.  Dunham has traditionally had a thriving garden program prior to the pandemic and we are excited to see it back in action again.

We will now be able to offer onsite COVID-19 testing as a convenience to parents.  As you know, outdoor masking and the ability to get a COVID test allows for students to not miss school even if they are exposed to COVID at school (modified quarantine).  Getting a COVID test at school is not required; as previously shared we are offering it as a convenience and resource.  A parent must consent and be present for the testing.  We are able to offer testing for at-school exposure, COVID symptoms and surveillance testing. Testing is for Dunham students only.  Please see the below information about registering, consent and availability.  I want to offer a special thank you to Maggie Vasquez in the school office for figuring out a way to offer this resource to Dunham students.

Click To View: COVID Testing Flyer Page 1

Click To View: COVID Testing Flyer Page 2

Click To View: Testing Consent Form

We still have 1 instructional aide position available and a couple of after school daycare work positions if you or a family member or friend is looking to be part of a great team and school.  Please contact the office to find out more information.

Below are important dates and information.

Have a wonderful weekend,

Daniel Hoffman

Superintendent / Principal


Short Term Independent Study

If you know you are going to need independent study (non COVID related) 1 week’s advance notice is required.

Face Masks

Please do not forget to put on a mask when coming on to campus, thank you.

Picture Day

Picture Day is this upcoming Thursday, October 14.  Ordering information is attached below.

Click To View: Picture Day Form 1

Click To View: Picture Day Form 2


On Friday, October 15 we will be holding our walk-a-thon.  We were not able to hold this event last school year due to COVID.  In order to bring back some of our traditional pre-COVID PTO events we have to modify them and as such, we are not able to have parents on campus to view the event this year.  The number of cleared volunteers has been kept to a minimum.  The event has been divided up into 3 time slots so students are participating while staying in their same recess cohort groups.  We are reminding the students not to run and providing plenty of hydration and mask break areas.  I sincerely hope that at this same event next year we can do it as a whole school and have parents join us.  Until then, we appreciate everyone’s support in getting their sponsors to help support all the wonderful things our PTO does for our school (including our garden and music programs).  Please contact Renae Wofford at [email protected]  if you have any questions.

PTO Meeting

Please join this month’s PTO meeting. We will meet on Tuesday, October 12th at 2:45pm in the Dunham Library, with a Zoom option for those who would prefer an online format. Masks are required, indoors or outdoors, for anyone over the age of 2 years old while on campus. If you have any questions, please contact [email protected]. Hope to see you there! 

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 838 349 1002

Passcode: Dragons

Board Meeting

On Tuesday, October 12, at 6:00 we will be having our monthly regular board meeting.  This meeting is in-person and takes place in the Dunham School Community Room.  We hope to see you there!

No School October 22

There is no school on Friday, October 22.  It is a staff development day.

Early Release Day October 29

On Friday October 29, all students will be released from school at 11:45am.  Please mark this date and time on your calendars. Daycare will be open until 4pm. 

PTO Create and Donate

Mark your calendars, our PTO will be having its first Create and Donate of the school year on November 6!  Please see the attached flyer.

Click To View: Create and Donate Flyer

2021-2022 Spirit Days

October 20 Sports / Jersey Day

November 17 Career Dress Up Day

December 15 Pajama Day

January 19 Crazy Hat & Socks Day

February 1 Dress Like You are 100 Years Old (100th Day of School)

March 16 Funky Hair Day

April 20 Super Hero Day

May 18 Twin Day

Comments are closed.
March 2025

Positive Impact

Here is always singing new songs and expressing new ideas he learned at school.

Alexa fon Tobel


Dunham Elementary School

Alexa fon Tobel


Positive Impact Here is always singing new songs and expressing new ideas he learned at school. Alexa fon Tobel CEO Dunham Elementary School 5 2017-03-13T11:54:16-07:00 
Dunham Elementary School
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