Friday Folder – November 20, 2020

November 20, 2020

Dear Dunham Families,

Parent/teacher conferences concluded this week; what an important and valuable time those are.  Under normal circumstances, conferences serve as a check-in for the families and teachers to better support our children. During these unusual times, conferences become even more crucial to the success and of our children.  Thank you to parents and staff for making these meetings happen and dedicating the time to do so.  If you were unable to participate in a parent/teacher conference I would strongly encourage you to reach out to your child’s teacher and set up an appointment to chat about your child’s progress.

Picture Day will be on December 4th!  It will be a drive through style with pictures being taken in the Community Room.  Time slots are scheduled alphabetically according to the first three letters of your student’s last name.  Families that have multiple students with different last names may bring all of your students to one time slot.

1:00pm: Ada to Bon 

1:15pm: Bur to Coo 

1:30pm: Cro to Don 

1:45pm: Eis to Gar 

2:00pm: Gom to Hud 

2:15pm: Irt to Mar 

2:30pm: McC to Myl 

2:45pm: Nal to Pri 

3:00pm: Ran to San 

3:15pm: Sas to Swa 

3:30pm: Tes to Wil 

3:45pm: Wof to You

Please remember, this is a drive through approach.  Regardless of your comfort level with COVID-19, we are trying to keep everyone safe by offering a safe environment for all.  Students will be dropped off by the front office and will head to the Community Room entrance.  After students have taken their picture they will exit out the double doors located under the bell on the Roblar side of the Community Room. 

Once you drop-off in front of the office you can pull your vehicle to the traditional parent pick-up spot where your child will be exiting.  It is not intended for adults to get out of the car, please stay in your vehicles.  We will have staff directing students to the proper door.  Face masks will need to be worn by all students coming onto campus for pictures, no mask means no picture.  Once it is a student’s turn to get in front of the camera the mask may be removed for the picture.  Order form information is attached below.

On November 19, a survey link was texted and emailed out to parents.  It is a short four question survey.  Many families have already completed the survey and we thank you for participating.  If you have not yet had the chance to please do so, the information is very helpful with regards to planning.  

We had a wonderful Sports Day Spirit Day this week!  Thank you for participating and sharing pictures. Next week, on November 25-27, there will be no school and no materials pick-up/drop-off in observance of Thanksgiving.

We are excited to have Andrew and the After School Ukulele Club starting for 3rd-6th graders!  He always does such a great job with our Dunham students who sign up.  More information about signing up, dates and costs are attached below.

The 5th and 6th grade classes are coordinating the annual See’s Candy fundraiser.  Please check your materials from the Wednesday pickup for the order form.  All orders must be received on the 12/2 drop-off and candy will be distributed at the 12/16 pick-up.

Checkout our school website at .  Under the “District Info” tab you will find links under the “School Board” tab that will take you to the “Agenda and Minutes” tab.  We post school board meeting agendas and approved minutes at this location.  Our December board meeting date has been changed to December 15th, which is the 3rd Tuesday of the month and not the traditional 2nd Tuesday.

Below is more information about the Petaluma Christmas Cheer program, an update about the Create and Donate Fundraiser and information about how to have your child’s birthday posted on the school marquee. Be sure to check these things out.

We here at Dunham would like to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving and hope you enjoy this time with your loved one.

Take care,

Daniel Hoffman

Superintendent / Principal

PTO – Birthday Marquee

PTO is ready to start the birthday marquee for the year! If you would like your child’s name up on the school marquee during their birthday week, please return the completed form and a $10 donation to the office. Contact Marie at [email protected] with any questions. Please see the attached flyer below.

Christmas Cheer Program

The Petaluma People Services Center is organizing a Christmas Cheer program.  The organizers have pivoted it a bit this year-only gift cards for food and toys will be given out.  Applications are due by December 4th.  They asked us to pass this information onto our families.  Please see the attached flyer below.

PTO – Create and Donate Fundraiser Update 

Are you looking for that fun and super easy art project? Maybe a great homemade gift to give over the holidays? Join us for our Create and Donate Fun-Raiser. For $30 each, you’ll receive a wooden sign, the paint color of your choice, and a vinyl sticker with a saying on it. Please see the fliers below, confirm which saying(s) you want and select your paint color. The school receives A minimum 40% back, and we get back more with more signs that sell! These make great gifts or add that little bit of personal flare to your home or office. These are fun and so simple, even the young kids can do it! We will be hosting a zoom meeting so we can all make signs together with some help and guidance, or you can reach out for instructions and do it on your own. Hope to see you there!

Important update about this event: 

Due to the extremely low numbers of orders, we will be extending the deadline to order until Wednesday December 2nd. The new event date will be Saturday December 5th. Please read all the fliers for all the information. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions. Thank you for understanding.

Click to view: 3rd-6th Grade After School Ukulele Club

Click to view: Christmas Cheer Program

Click to view: Birthday Marquee

Click to view: Picture Day Order Form

Click to view: Picture Information

Click to view: Create and Donate Flyer

Click to view: Create and Donate Information Page

Click to view: Create and Donate Zoom Link

Click to view: Create and Donate Form

Click to view: Create and Donate Inventory Snippets

Click to view: Create and Donate Paint Colors


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Here is always singing new songs and expressing new ideas he learned at school.

Alexa fon Tobel


Dunham Elementary School

Alexa fon Tobel


Positive Impact Here is always singing new songs and expressing new ideas he learned at school. Alexa fon Tobel CEO Dunham Elementary School 5 2017-03-13T11:54:16-07:00 
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