Friday Folder – May 7, 2021


May 7, 2021

Hello Dunham Families,

I want to thank you for the kindness and appreciation that was shown to our staff this week. I know the staff felt very appreciated and was touched by your generosity. 

I am excited to share that we will be opening our play structures next week!  It will still need to be only one class at a time (we will rotate) but the kids have been asking and we are happy to finally be able have them play on them again.  As part of using the play structures, we will continue to have a big focus on hygiene (washing or sanitizing hands).  Fresh wood chips were just delivered today and promptly spread by some very wonderful parent and student helpers.  Thank you some much for getting the areas ready for next week.

Below is important information, including spring assessment information for 3rd-6th grade parents, the upcoming PTO dine and donate and the PTO Pasta Fundraiser.  Also included is logon information about next week’s PTO meeting and next week’s Board meeting.

Lastly, I would like to wish all of our Dunham Moms a Happy Mothers Day this Sunday.  I hope you get spoiled and feel appreciated, you have the hardest job.  

Have a wonderful weekend,

Daniel Hoffman

Superintendent / Principal

3rd-6th Grade Families

Please see the attached letter about adjustments to this year’s spring assessments

 Click To View: Spring Assessment Parent Letter

PTO Dine and Donate

Join us for our first Dine & Donate with Don Julio’s Latin Grill and Pupusas in Rohnert Park! Friday May 14th from 11am-8pm. Address is 217 Southwest Blvd, Rohnert Park, CA 94928. They have a few small tables outside and take out. Support a small local business and our school!  Don’t forget to show them the attached flier

Click To View: Dine and Donate Flyer

PTO Pasta Fundraiser

In lieu of the Pasta Feed, we found a Fun Pasta Fundraiser. Check out the awesome pastas and have your own Pasta Feed at home. This is an online fundraiser that will be delivered directly to your home. Share with friends and family!

Questions: Marie Valdez – [email protected]

Click To View:  Pasta Fundraiser

PTO Meeting

On Tuesday, May 11, at 2:45, PTO will be holding their monthly meeting.  Our PTO continues to work hard and looks for creative ideas for this school year.  Anyone can be a part of PTO, join us on Tuesday via Zoom! 

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 945 1266 7440

Passcode: dragons

Board Meeting

On Tuesday, May 11, at 6:30 (Open Session) we will be having our monthly regular board meeting.  We invite you to join us via Zoom!

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 929 6664 3171

Passcode: 147622

  1. When it comes time to make public comments, per the agenda, use the “Raise your hand” functionality. The attendees will be called upon, their microphone unmuted, and then allowed to make their statement for up to two minutes. At the end of the two minutes, the attendee’s microphone will be muted and the next participant will be called upon.
  2. Speakers must be present in the Zoom meeting when their name is called in order to be given an opportunity to address the Board.
  3. Speakers need to rename their Zoom profile to their real name (first and last) to be allowed into the meeting from the Zoom “lobby.”
  4. Speakers are requested to state their name prior to addressing the Board.
  5. After a speaker completes their public comment or if the two-minute speaker time limit has been reached, the microphone for the speaker’s Zoom profile will be muted.

Comments are closed.
March 2025

Positive Impact

Here is always singing new songs and expressing new ideas he learned at school.

Alexa fon Tobel


Dunham Elementary School

Alexa fon Tobel


Positive Impact Here is always singing new songs and expressing new ideas he learned at school. Alexa fon Tobel CEO Dunham Elementary School 5 2017-03-13T11:54:16-07:00 
Dunham Elementary School
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