Friday Folder – March 5, 2021

Image of field behind Dunham

March 5, 2021

Hello Dunham Families,

As we approach April 12, the anticipated start of our hybrid model, we continue to prepare for our students to return.  Our COVID-19 Safety Plan was submitted to the Sonoma County Public Health Department for approval last week and we are currently waiting to hear back from them.  In the meantime, we continue working on the hybrid student schedules and updating our plans as the CDPH gives additional guidance.  At this point we are fifteen school days from the anticipated start of our hybrid model.

Last year the state required us to add “emergency days” into our 2020-21 school calendar.  Following our feeder district’s calendar we added five days on the backside of spring break.  Though we did have some Sonoma County emergencies, none of them required us to shut down and so no emergency days were used.  This means spring break is two weeks long this school year.  Spring break will run from March 29th – April 9th.

Plan ahead and please keep in mind the recommended guidelines for quarantining if you are thinking about traveling during spring break. Whether traveling during spring break or during hybrid learning, the CA Department of Public Health is recommending that anyone who travels out of state quarantine for ten days upon return.  This could be a recipe for disappointment; to finally open and then potentially have to close within just a few days if new COVID-19 cases develop.  Please plan accordingly and notify the school if you are needing to quarantine instead of returning with the anticipated hybrid opening.

If you have not already read our COVID-19 Safety Plan, it can be found on our website at  I would highly encourage anyone coming back into the hybrid to be familiar with the safety protocols put into place to help mitigate the spread of COVID-19.

Please see the below information about report cards, the Lombardi’s Fundraiser and new bake sale, picture make-ups, and information about our PTO and School Board meetings taking place next week.

Take care and see you soon,

Daniel Hoffman

Superintendent / Principal

Report Cards

2nd Trimester report cards will go home via materials pick up on Wednesday, March 17, 2021.

PTO Lombardi’s Fundraiser Update / New Information

Hello Families,

Please read the following carefully, as there is new information for the Lombardi’s Fundraiser. 

Just a friendly reminder that Saturday, March 6th is the deadline to order your Lombardi’s BBQ dinner. Dinners will be available to pick up at Dunham School on next Wednesday, March 10th from 4-6pm. The 2021/2022 Outdoor Education Fundraising Committee is hosting a drink and bake sale to go along with the BBQ dinner. Stop by the school during the Lombardi’s dinner pick up and purchase individual canned drinks for $1 each and family sized desserts for $5 or $10. All proceeds go to funding outdoor education field trips for 5th and 6th graders. Cash is preferred to keep the flow moving quickly, but we will have the Square available for card purchases. If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected]. Thank you very much for your support. 

Dunham PTO and Outdoor Education Fundraising Committee

Picture Make-ups

Hello All!  We have just set an All-School Make-Up Day on Saturday morning, March 27 at our studio in Cotati. Please have parents call our studio at (707) 762-7518 to set-up an appointment.

These photos will be finished in time to include in your yearbook.

Steven Yeager Studio

PTO Meeting

On Tuesday, March 9, at 2:45, PTO will be holding their monthly meeting.  Our PTO continues to work hard and looks for creative ideas for this school year.  Anyone can be a part of PTO, join us on Tuesday via Zoom! 

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 945 1266 7440

Passcode: dragons

Board Meeting

On Tuesday, March 9, at 6:30 (Open Session) we will be having our monthly regular board meeting.  We invite you to join us via Zoom!

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 910 5304 2210

Passcode: 457294

  1. When it comes time to make public comments, per the agenda, use the “Raise your hand” functionality. The attendees will be called upon, their microphone unmuted, and then allowed to make their statement for up to two minutes. At the end of the two minutes, the attendee’s microphone will be muted and the next participant will be called upon.
  2. Speakers must be present in the Zoom meeting when their name is called in order to be given an opportunity to address the Board.
  3. Speakers need to rename their Zoom profile to their real name (first and last) to be allowed into the meeting from the Zoom “lobby.”
  4. Speakers are requested to state their name prior to addressing the Board.
  5. After a speaker completes their public comment or if the two-minute speaker time limit has been reached, the microphone for the speaker’s Zoom profile will be muted.

Comments are closed.
March 2025

Positive Impact

Here is always singing new songs and expressing new ideas he learned at school.

Alexa fon Tobel


Dunham Elementary School

Alexa fon Tobel


Positive Impact Here is always singing new songs and expressing new ideas he learned at school. Alexa fon Tobel CEO Dunham Elementary School 5 2017-03-13T11:54:16-07:00 
Dunham Elementary School
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