Friday Folder – March 11, 2022

March 11, 2022

Hello Dunham Families,

In the early afternoon on Thursday I was walking through the courtyard area and to my left I could see and hear a class at music singing, to my right was a classroom of students engaged in math, ahead of me I could see a class working in our beautifully restored garden and passing right in front was Mrs. Omar’s kindergarten class walking by saying hi and waving at me with smiles as they were heading out to get picked up by their families.  This all brought a big smile to my face and a warm feeling to my heart to see so many students engaged in learning while doing so many different types of activities on campus.  It really felt like school as it was before the pandemic started.  It is moments like this that I truly am in awe of how special a place Dunham is to come to everyday, which makes what I am about to say that much harder to share.

This week I let the staff and the School Board know that I will be moving out of the state at the end of the school year. It was a difficult decision to move and an equally difficult decision to leave Dunham.  After my first month at Dunham I said I felt like I had died and gone to heaven, and three years later I still feel that way and I still look forward to stepping on campus each school day.  Dunham will always hold a fond place in my heart and memories.  I thank all the students, staff and parents for making it such a special place.  In the coming weeks and months the school district will be working with SCOE to conduct a search for a new superintendent/principal for the 2022-2023 school year.  I will keep you updated as to its progress.


Daniel Hoffman

Superintendent / Principal


COVID School Volunteer Update

It has been approximately two years since we have been able to have volunteers on campus.  I’m excited to announce that we will start heading in the direction of having volunteers on campus.  In addition to our pre-pandemic volunteer practices, for the remainder of this school year volunteers would need to meet the following criteria:

  • A volunteer needs to be fully COVID-19 vaccinated.  Fully vaccinated meaning it has been at least two weeks since a person’s second dose of the vaccine or they have received their COVID-19 booster vaccine shot if eligible.
  • Volunteers need to provide proof of COVID-19 vaccination to the school office prior to volunteering.
  • Volunteers would need to be masked while indoors on campus.
  • Volunteers will need to check in at the office first and do a health screening on the day(s) they are volunteering.
  • Volunteers should avoid coming onto campus if ill.
  • Volunteers will be by invitation of the classroom teacher.


2022-2023 Instructional Calendar

Attached below is the 2022-2023 Instructional Calendar.  A hard copy will be sent home today as well. Like this school year, per the California Department of Education’s request, it includes emergency days.  

Click To View: 2022-2023 Instructional Calendar


Spirit Day March 16 

On Wednesday March 16, it will be Funky Hair Day!  We can’t wait to see everyone’s hairdos!


Daylight Savings This Weekend

Just a reminder that Daylight Savings Time begins at 2:00 A.M. on Sunday, March 13, 2022.


Report Cards

Report cards will go home on March 18th. 


PTO Dine and Donate at Wicked Slush

Hello Dunham Families!  Please join us for our Wicked Slush Dine and Donate.  Wicked Slush is located at 122 B Down American Ally in Petaluma.  Come on down on Wednesday, March 16, from noon to 8:00pm for a yummy treat!  Be sure to bring the attached flier with you.

Click To View: Wicked Slush Dine and Donate Flyer


PTO Dine and Donate at Mary’s Pizza Shack

Mary’s Pizza Shack is ready to host another Dine and Donate for our PTO.  We know it’s during our spring break, but you’ve still gotta eat! Please join us on Tuesday March 29th with the attached flier to enjoy great food and 20% of your order will come back to the PTO for our special programs.  Mary’s Pizza is located at 101 Golf Course Drive in Rohnert Park.

Click To View: Mary’s Pizza Dine and Donate Flyer


Yearbooks On Sale Now!

A year book is a fun and wonderful way to keep the memories of this year at Dunham.  The ONLY way to ensure that you have a copy for each child in your family is to pre-order them now.  Your child will receive the yearbook at the end of the school year.

Click To View: Yearbook Order Form


Enrollment Time!

 If you have a future TK or Kindergartener at home who is either turning 5 on or before September 1st, 2022 (for Kindergarten) or turns 5 between September 2nd and February 2, 2023 (for TK), please call the office so we can make sure we have a spot for them on our class rosters for next year.  Also, we have room for students in some other grades as well.  As you know, Dunham is a unique and great place to go to school.  Our campus, culture, programs, staff, community, families and traditions make for an exceptional educational experience.  If you have a family member, friend or neighbor who is looking for a school, send them our way.  We’d love a chance to meet with them and further discuss our wonderful school. We appreciate your support.


No School – Spring Break

There will be no school starting on March 28th through April 8.  School will resume on April 11.


COVID-19 Testing Available at School

We continue to offer onsite COVID-19 testing for our students as a convenience to parents. On the week of March 14, 2022 the testing will take place on Tuesday (normally on Wednesday) and will return back to its traditional day of the week (Wednesdays) after next week. Testing takes place in the morning from 7:40-8:30.  A parent must consent and be present for the testing.  We are able to offer testing for at-school exposure, COVID symptoms and surveillance testing. Testing is for Dunham students only.  Please see the below information about registering, consent and availability.

Click To View: COVID Testing Flyer Page 1

Click To View: COVID Testing Flyer Page 2

Click To View: Testing Consent Form


After School Pediatric Vaccination Clinics

Below is a link from Dr. Steve Herrington, the Sonoma County Office of Education Superintendent regarding after school pediatric vaccination clinics.

Also, here is additional information about where to find after school pediatric vaccine clinics for Students and Families Ages 5 and older.

COVID-19 vaccine clinics for Sonoma County students age 5 and older, as well as their families, will be offered at numerous dates, times, and locations throughout the fall and winter. As clinic times and locations are confirmed, they are posted here. Getting a vaccine is safe, effective and free. No appointment is needed. Clinic is intended for those attending this school and their families. For more information about COVID-19 vaccines, call (707) 565-4667. 

Find a list of after school pediatric vaccine clinics here. (

You can also find a calendar of vaccine clinics through the County of Sonoma website here. (

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March 2025

Positive Impact

Here is always singing new songs and expressing new ideas he learned at school.

Alexa fon Tobel


Dunham Elementary School

Alexa fon Tobel


Positive Impact Here is always singing new songs and expressing new ideas he learned at school. Alexa fon Tobel CEO Dunham Elementary School 5 2017-03-13T11:54:16-07:00 
Dunham Elementary School
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