Friday Folder – June 4, 2021

June 4, 2021

Hello Dunham Families,

Wow, I can’t believe there is only one week of school left.  It has been a very peculiar year but I am so glad we got to spend these last couple of months with so many of our students.  This last week we got to have Andrew, our music teacher, on campus for the first time as we did our class music outdoors.  It was a blast!  Thank you Andrew and Mrs. Whitehorn for setting it up. Here are some dates worth noting for next week:

Monday will be the last materials pick up day for 100% distance learning students.  If you are unsure whether your 100% distance learning student has materials to pick up please email your student’s teacher.

Wednesday is the day for Chromebooks, Chromebook power cords and hotspots to be returned to school for students that are participating in on campus learning.

Thursday is the last day of school.  Our wonderful PTO has booked and paid for Kona Ice to come to our school and provide a shaved ice treat for each student.  Thank you PTO!

Friday is the day for Chromebooks, Chromebook power cords, hotspots and any other items to be returned to school for students that have been doing 100% distance learning.  This will take place from 9:00 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. in the school office.

Below is important information about the upcoming PTO dine and donate (last one of the year) and logon information about June’s PTO and school board meetings.

Have a wonderful weekend,

Daniel Hoffman

Superintendent / Principal


PTO Dine and Donate

Our PTO is holding its last Dine and Donate of the school year at Art’s Place Ristorante next Tuesday, June 8, from 11:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.  Come and support Dunham Elementary School by bringing the attached flyer and 20% of your purchase will be donated to our school’s PTO.  Art’s Place is located at 563 Rohnert Park Expressway, Rohnert Park, 94928.  Thank you for your support.

Click To Download: Art’s Place Restaurant Dine and Donate Flyer


PTO Meeting

On Tuesday, June 8, at 2:45, PTO will be holding their monthly meeting.  Anyone can be a part of PTO, join us on Tuesday via Zoom! 

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 945 1266 7440

Passcode: dragons


Board Meeting

On Tuesday, June 8, at 6:00, we will be having our monthly regular board meeting.  Once this meeting starts it will be promptly adjourned until June 15 at 6:00 p.m.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 919 3524 4558

Passcode: 121638


Board Meeting

On Monday, June 14, at 6:00 p.m. we will be having a special board meeting.  We invite you to join us via Zoom!

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 935 5508 3329

Passcode: 526884


Board Meeting

On Tuesday, June 15, at 6:00 we will be reconvening the adjourned June 8 regular monthly board meeting.  We invite you to join us via Zoom!

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 920 6890 0790

Passcode: 544541

  1. When it comes time to make public comments, per the agenda, use the “Raise your hand” functionality. The attendees will be called upon, their microphone unmuted, and then allowed to make their statement for up to two minutes. At the end of the two minutes, the attendee’s microphone will be muted and the next participant will be called upon.
  2. Speakers must be present in the Zoom meeting when their name is called in order to be given an opportunity to address the Board.
  3. Speakers need to rename their Zoom profile to their real name (first and last) to be allowed into the meeting from the Zoom “lobby.”
  4. Speakers are requested to state their name prior to addressing the Board.
  5. After a speaker completes their public comment or if the two-minute speaker time limit has been reached, the microphone for the speaker’s Zoom profile will be muted.

Comments are closed.
March 2025

Positive Impact

Here is always singing new songs and expressing new ideas he learned at school.

Alexa fon Tobel


Dunham Elementary School

Alexa fon Tobel


Positive Impact Here is always singing new songs and expressing new ideas he learned at school. Alexa fon Tobel CEO Dunham Elementary School 5 2017-03-13T11:54:16-07:00 
Dunham Elementary School
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