Friday Folder – December 3, 2021

December 3, 2021


Hello Dunham Families, 

I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving Break. Time seems to continue to move quickly. We are already in December.  

This week after school ukulele lessons started for upper grade students.  It was great to hear them strumming and having fun.  We recognized our November students of the month today.  It always brings a smile to my face as I see the classmates of the students of the month cheer them on and congratulate them.  There is such a sweet and happy community of learners in all of our classrooms. There are several announcements, resources and other informational items listed below.  Please take the time to review all items.

Have wonderful weekend,

Daniel Hoffman 

Superintendent / Principal


Pediatric Vaccination

If your student has gotten the COVID-19 vaccination please share verification (a copy) of it with the school office.


PTO Skate Night – Tomorrow!!!

Hello Dunham Families,

Skate Night is back! Please join us on Saturday, December 4th, from 4:00-6:30pm. Things will be a little different this time around, but the one thing that stays the same is how much fun we have at Cal-Skate with our school friends! We are trying new dates and times, along with a new style of fundraising. Admission will be full-price for all skaters, but Dunham gets back 50% from each admission accompanied by the attached flyer (either digital or hardcopy). Share the flyer with friends, family, and neighbors. See the attached flyer or email [email protected] for information.

Hope to see you all there!

-Dunham PTO

Click to View: Skate Night Flyer


Lombardi’s Gourmet BBQ PTO Dine and Donate

Lombardi’s BBQ is back by popular demand, but this time in traditional Dine and Donate fashion! Stop by anytime between 10am and 7pm on Thursday Dec. 9th and treat yourself to the best BBQ in town! Their entire menu is available for you to enjoy! Grab a tri-tip sandwich and a salad for lunch, or pick up a full BBQ family dinner- they have something for every appetite. Please present the flyer when ordering. 

Click to View: Lombardi’s BBQ PTO Dine and Donate Flyer


On-site Testing

For the next two weeks (12/6 – 12-17) on-site COVID-19 will not be available on-site at Dunham School.  On-site COVID-19 testing at Dunham will resume January 5, 2022.

Please click on the below link for free COVID-19 testing locations.

Click to View: COVID-19 Testing Locations


Winter Break

There will be no school during Winter Break, which is the week of December 20th, 2021  – January 4th 2022.  January 4 is a Teacher Work day (no students).  Students return to campus on Wednesday, January 5, 2022.


No Daycare on Friday,  December 17

Daycare will be closed on Friday, December 17. 


Early Release Day December 17

On Friday December 17, all students will be released from school at 11:45am.  Please mark this date and time on your calendars. Daycare is closed on this day.  School lunch will be available.


After School Pediatric Vaccination Clinics

Below is a link from Dr. Steve Herrington, the Sonoma County Office of Education Superintendent regarding after school pediatric vaccination clinics.

Also, here is additional information about where to find after school pediatric vaccine clinics for Students and Families Ages 5.

COVID-19 vaccine clinics for Sonoma County students age 5 and older, as well as their families, will be offered at numerous dates, times, and locations throughout the fall and winter. As clinic times and locations are confirmed, they are posted here. Getting a vaccine is safe, effective and free. No appointment is needed. Clinic is intended for those attending this school and their families. For more information about COVID-19 vaccines, call (707) 565-4667. 

Find a list of after school pediatric vaccine clinics here. (

You can also find a calendar of vaccine clinics through the County of Sonoma website here. (


December Lunch Menu

Click to View: December Lunch Menu


Community Resource

See attached Charles M. Schulz Winter Classes For Kids Flyer

Click to View: Charles M. Schulz Flyer


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March 2025

Positive Impact

Here is always singing new songs and expressing new ideas he learned at school.

Alexa fon Tobel


Dunham Elementary School

Alexa fon Tobel


Positive Impact Here is always singing new songs and expressing new ideas he learned at school. Alexa fon Tobel CEO Dunham Elementary School 5 2017-03-13T11:54:16-07:00 
Dunham Elementary School
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