Friday Folder – December 10, 2021

December 10, 2021


Hello Dunham Families, 

We are one week away from Winter Break.  Students and staff continue to work hard.  We appreciate all that you do as parents and guardians to help support the school and its students and staff.  Two weeks ago, our kindergarten students started staying for a longer school day.  This transition happens each year after the Thanksgiving Break.  They are doing a great job with the adjustment and it is fun to see their excitement for the longer school day and new experiences. 

There are several announcements, resources, and other informational items listed below.  Please take the time to review all items.

Have a great weekend,

Daniel Hoffman 

Superintendent / Principal


Hello Dunham Families!  Please Vote For Us!!!!!!

Our little school has a very special opportunity to win some much needed funds, but we need your help! Some time ago, a very special Dunham family helped us to create a video and submit it to a contest with a chance to win $10,000 for our school! Our entry made it past the “Judging” stage and we were selected as one of the finalists! The last stage is “Voting” and it is based purely on votes cast by the general public. Each person is allowed one vote per day. So, you can vote today, vote again tomorrow, and keep voting daily until polls close on 12/19. Please share the active flyer, or the link provided below, to friends, family, and co-workers. We have a very small school and it will be hard to keep up with the votes of larger schools, we need all the help we can get. Cast your vote and spread the word!

Let’s go Dunham!


Candy Grams!

Send a treat to a friend or family member and we’ll add a small candy cane and deliver it on the last day of school! Complete the form below and drop off with payment to the office! Orders must be turned in by Tuesday 12/14 to be delivered on time! (Checks to Dunham Elementary)

Click Here to View: Candy Gram Order Form


Pediatric Vaccination

If your student has gotten the COVID-19 vaccination please share verification (a copy) of it with the school office.


Winter Break

There will be no school during Winter Break, which is the week of December 20th, 2021  – January 4th 2022.  January 4 is a Teacher Work day (no students).  Students return to campus on Wednesday, January 5, 2022.


No Daycare on Friday,  December 17

Daycare will be closed on Friday, December 17. 


Early Release Day December 17

On Friday December 17, all students will be released from school at 11:45am.  Please mark this date and time on your calendars. Daycare is closed on this day.  School lunch will be available.


PTO Meeting

Please join this month’s PTO meeting. We will meet on Tuesday, December 14 at 2:45pm in the Dunham Library, with a Zoom option for those who would prefer an online format. Masks are required, indoors or outdoors, for anyone over the age of 2 years old while on campus. If you have any questions, please contact [email protected]. Hope to see you there! 

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 838 349 1002

Passcode: Dragons


Board Meeting

On Tuesday, December 14, at 6:00 we will be having our monthly regular board meeting.  This meeting is in-person and takes place in the Dunham School Community Room.  We hope to see you there!


School Office Closed

The school office will be closing on Friday, December 17 at noon and will remain closed through Winter Break.  The school office will open back up on January 4, 2022 (students return on January 5, 2022)


On-site Testing

Next week (12/13 – 12-17), COVID-19 testing will not be available on-site at Dunham School.  On-site COVID-19 testing at Dunham will resume January 5, 2022.

Please click on the below link for free COVID-19 testing locations.

Click to View: COVID-19 Testing Locations


After School Pediatric Vaccination Clinics

Below is a link from Dr. Steve Herrington, the Sonoma County Office of Education Superintendent regarding after school pediatric vaccination clinics.

Also, here is additional information about where to find after school pediatric vaccine clinics for Students and Families Ages 5.

COVID-19 vaccine clinics for Sonoma County students age 5 and older, as well as their families, will be offered at numerous dates, times, and locations throughout the fall and winter. As clinic times and locations are confirmed, they are posted here. Getting a vaccine is safe, effective and free. No appointment is needed. Clinic is intended for those attending this school and their families. For more information about COVID-19 vaccines, call (707) 565-4667. 

Find a list of after school pediatric vaccine clinics here. (

You can also find a calendar of vaccine clinics through the County of Sonoma website here. (


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February 2025

Positive Impact

Here is always singing new songs and expressing new ideas he learned at school.

Alexa fon Tobel


Dunham Elementary School

Alexa fon Tobel


Positive Impact Here is always singing new songs and expressing new ideas he learned at school. Alexa fon Tobel CEO Dunham Elementary School 5 2017-03-13T11:54:16-07:00 
Dunham Elementary School
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