Friday Folder – April 16, 2021

April 16, 2021

Hello Dunham Families,

What an exciting week!  I cannot explain how wonderful it was to hear and see students in the classrooms and playing on the playground.  The noise was music to my ears,  it has been too long without children’s happy voices here at Dunham.  I can share on behalf of the staff their excitement and jubilation to have kids back.  Multiple times each day they shared with me how wonderful it is to be moving towards “normal”.

The students did wonderful.  We had a great first day on Tuesday (2nd-6th grade & half of TK-1st grade) and another wonderful 1st day on Thursday (other half of TK-1st grade).  Parents, I want to thank you for your happiness and joy as you dropped and picked up the kids.  I know arrival and dismissal requires patience and you have shown it.  I am happy to report that each day we have been able to complete arrival and dismissal in better time than the day before.  With a few exceptions, we have been almost perfect with adults staying in their vehicle, thank you for that.  

Just a reminder that if your child is part of the hybrid schedule and missed school it is considered an absence.  Please contact Mrs. Nommsen in the office to correct the absence.

Again, I can not adequately put into words how great this week has been, having our students back on campus is a gift.  Staff, parents and students all played a big part in making it a success.

Below is information about school lunches and important information about the next school year, including a 2021-2022 enrollment survey and a copy of next school year’s academic calendar.  Also included is a copy of the most recent Sonoma County Department of Health Services COVID-19 scenarios flow chart.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend,

Daniel Hoffman

Superintendent / Principal

2021-2022 Enrollment Survey

As we plan for the next school year we are very hopeful for a full return to on-site learning.  Dunham School continues to be a widely popular and in-demand option for schooling. As such, we need to confirm our anticipated enrollment for next school year so we can plan staffing, programs, supplies and schedules accordingly.  

Please take a minute to fill out this brief 3 question survey about the 2021-2022 school year.  We thank you in advance.

2021-2022 Instructional Calendar

Attached below is the 2021-2022 Instructional Calendar.  A hard copy will be sent home in the next week or so as well. Like this school year, per the California Department of Education’s request, it includes emergency days.  There is an explanation of how the emergency days will be used attached below.

Click To View: 2021-2022 Instructional Calendar

Click To View: How Do the Emergency Days Work?

School Lunches – April 12 Message:

Welcome back!!  With the kids coming back on campus we are now able to offer pre-packaged “grab-n-go lunches. They will include milk, fruit, veggie, and an entrée. 

They are delivered daily (Tuesday – Friday), please see attached menu below. 

The cost is: $4.50 per lunch. We have included a pre-order form to pay ahead (attached below).

If your child/ren are part of the free/reduced lunch program or if you are not sure please contact Lori in the school office at 707-795-5050.  The reduced price is $.40 each.

How to order: Your child’s teacher will ask at attendance time in the A.M. if they want lunch that day.  Lori in the office will place the order no later than 9:15 a.m.

Click To View:  Pre-Paid Lunch Order Form

Click To View:  Lunch Menu

Scenario Based COVID-19 Guidance for School (Updated)

The attached charts have been updated since the last one was shared out in a Friday Folder.  It is also located in the CSP that was shared out.   The Sonoma County Department of Health Services has provided the below charts for Sonoma County schools.  It includes COVID-19 scenarios with symptoms, exposure, quarantines, and notification/communication.  Please review these documents as they answer many questions.

Click To View: Page 1

Click To View: Page 2

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Alexa fon Tobel


Positive Impact Here is always singing new songs and expressing new ideas he learned at school. Alexa fon Tobel CEO Dunham Elementary School 5 2017-03-13T11:54:16-07:00 
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