Friday Folder – September 18, 2020


September 18, 2020


Dear Dunham Families,

I hope you are all doing well.  Blue skies have returned this week and much of the smoke has cleared.  I hope you are all able to enjoy the fresher air.  Weekly drop-off and pick-up is going well.  I’d like to emphasize the importance of dropping the completed work off.  This work is very helpful for feedback, assessing, grading, monitoring progress and help’s teachers plan future instructions and support.  Thank you for your help and support with this.

PTO hosted a yummy Dine and Donate at Toppings Frozen Yogurt & Smoothie Bar this last Wednesday.  Thank you to our PTO and thank you to all who were able to attend.

A few weeks ago the Application for Free and Reduced-Prices Meals was sent home. These completed forms help the District secure additional funding.  Returning the form does not obligate you to take a school lunch.  We are asking everyone to turn in this form by the end of this month, thank you in advance.  I have attached the form in case you need a new one.

Please see below for more announcements.


Daniel Hoffman

Superintendent / Principal


PTO / Dunham Walk-a-Thon T-Shirt Drawing Contest

Attached below is everything you need to know about the 2020 Dunham Virtual Walk-a-Thon T-Shirt Drawing Contest!  Looks like a lot of fun – good luck!


PTO / Spirit Wear

The Dunham Spirit Wear Store is open! Order your Dunham Dragons Apparel and support the Dunham PTO. Please use the link: 


to order some fun gear to show your Dunham pride.  The store will be open until 9/25 and you can pay directly on the site.  All t-shirts are screen printed and outerwear and caps are embroidered with the Dunham Dragons logo.  All sales are final, no exchanges will be available.  

For any questions please email Neils Goodwin at [email protected]


School Lunches

Last week, the USDA issued a waiver allowing for schools to once again serve any child under the age of 18, at no cost until December 31, 2020. Lunches will be served at the following locations:

Lawrence Jones Middle School, 5154 Snyder Lane, R.P.

Technology Middle School, 7165 Burton Avenue, R.P.

Rancho Cotati High, 5450 Snyder Lane, R.P.

This takes place every Monday, Wednesday and Friday (on school days) from 11:00a.m. to 1:00p.m. The meal disbursement program will be solely for picking up meals.  Meals can not be consumed on site. Families may walk up to pick up meals or stay in the car and have them brought to you. Children do not need to be present. We encourage families to continue to be proactive in reducing the risk of COVID-19.  (Flyer attached below)


Materials Pick-up / Drop-off

On Wednesday, September 23, will be our next weekly materials pick-up and drop-off.  This takes place every Wednesday from 2:00-7:00 PM.  Tables with the materials will be located in the larger part of the parking lot.  Tables and drop-off boxes will be marked by class.  When exiting your vehicle please make sure you and anyone with you is wearing a mask (school age and up).  Please park in a designated parking spot and don’t block the driving lane.

Please return the forms that were sent home to be filled out.  The sooner we can get those back the better.  We appreciate your help with this.


Click to view: Application for Free and Reduced-Prices Meals

Click to view: PTO / Walk-a-Thon T-Shirt Drawing Contest

Click to view: Lunch Program Information

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Alexa fon Tobel


Dunham Elementary School

Alexa fon Tobel


Positive Impact Here is always singing new songs and expressing new ideas he learned at school. Alexa fon Tobel CEO Dunham Elementary School 5 2017-03-13T11:54:16-07:00 
Dunham Elementary School
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