Daycare & Daycare Registration Updates

Daycare and Daycare Registration Updates

Hello Dunham Families,

We wanted to give you an update on our Dunham Daycare program.  We have been able to secure a new Daycare Director.  Her name is Tamara Pitman.  She is wonderful and we are excited to have her. She has been working hard to get the program ready and secure staffing after a 17 month hiatus.

To that end we are still searching for staffing for the program.  If you are interested or know of someone please have them call the office for more information about applying for the position.

During the first week of school (8/16 – 8/20) after school Daycare will only be available for transitional kindergarten and kindergarten students from 11:30-2:30. We are hopeful that on August 23, the start of the second week of school we will have secured enough staffing to be able to offer after school daycare for all students.  We will send out another update next week.

Attached you will find our updated Daycare policies, costs and fees approved by the School Board.  There have been changes so please read through them if you are interested in Daycare.  You will notice the hourly rate has increased.  This is due to the increased cost in wages as California’s minimum wage has continued to increase.

As of today, August 12, 2021, registration has been purged.  Those interested in after school Daycare will need to both register through Myprocare and fill out a hardcopy registration packet.  Both of these items will need to be completed at least a day prior to a student attending Daycare.  If you have registered prior to reading this letter at any time in the near or distant past you will need to do it all over again.  We apologize for this and the inconvenience this is.  It is a process that is needed as we reboot a dormit program.

Both of these items can be found at:

If you are participating in our PTO Ice Cream Social or the “Kindergarten All Aboard” these would be a good times to get the hardcopy registration paperwork turned in.

If you are carrying an unpaid balance from prior years please make arrangements with the school office to pay the balance prior to enrolling your child in Daycare.

Thank you and we are so excited to see you next week!

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March 2025

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Here is always singing new songs and expressing new ideas he learned at school.

Alexa fon Tobel


Dunham Elementary School

Alexa fon Tobel


Positive Impact Here is always singing new songs and expressing new ideas he learned at school. Alexa fon Tobel CEO Dunham Elementary School 5 2017-03-13T11:54:16-07:00 
Dunham Elementary School
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